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Apply for 30 hours free childcare for three and four year olds by end August

Parents have until 31 August to register their child for 30 hours free childcare, for Autumn term places.All children aged three and four are entitled to 15 hours of free early education a week, for 38 weeks of the year, and most families will be eligible for 30 hours per week.

The free early education can be at Ofsted registered nurseries, nurseries on school sites, children’s centres, some playgroups and pre-schools, or provided through childminders.

Watch the step by step guide to applying here.[]

Jo Moxon, assistant director for learning and skills, said: “We encourage all eligible parents to continue to apply for, and reconfirm, their 30 hours, even if they have not been accessing their entitlement due to coronavirus and the closure of childcare settings. This will help to ensure parents have a smooth transition back into childcare when possible.“Early learning lays foundations for life and I encourage all parents to ensure they are registered and take up their child’s place.

”Find more information on free early education and childcare here[],

call the Family Information Service on 01482 318 318 or email[].

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