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Families encouraged to take up free nursery places

Hull City Council is encouraging parents of pre-school children to take up their child’s free nursery place. All children aged three and four are entitled to 15 hours of free early education a week, and most working families will be eligible for 30 hours per week. The free early education can be at Ofsted registered nurseries, nurseries on school sites, children’s centres, pre-schools or childminders. Many families will also qualify for 15 hours free childcare for their two-year-olds. Jo Moxon,…


Children to receive a free book every month through Dolly Parton scheme

Hull City council has allocated £88,500 funding for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library scheme to be rolled out to eligible two year olds in Hull during the next academic year. From September, over 1,500 children eligible to receive the two year old early education entitlement will receive a free book every month through the scheme. Councillor Peter Clark, Portfolio Holder for learning and skills said: “The reading age of children entering school in Hull is…


Apply for 30 hours free childcare for three and four year olds by end August

Parents have until 31 August to register their child for 30 hours free childcare, for Autumn term places.All children aged three and four are entitled to 15 hours of free early education a week, for 38 weeks of the year, and most families will be eligible for 30 hours per week. The free early education can be at Ofsted registered nurseries, nurseries on school sites, children’s centres, some playgroups and pre-schools, or provided through childminders. Watch the step by…