Read more about the article Reuse Electrical Shop successful in bid for further funding
Reuse Electrical Shop

Reuse Electrical Shop successful in bid for further funding

Hull City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council have been successful in securing a bid for further funding of £71,000, plus an additional £20,000 for a communications campaign, for the Reuse Electrical project which operates the Reuse Electrical Shop. The partnership project between Hull City Council, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, FCC Environment and Dove House Hospice, is aimed at boosting the reuse of good quality domestic appliances, which have been taken to household…


‘Do It for Your Dog’ campaign launched to reduce instances of dog fouling

Hull City Council, in partnership with Keep Britain Tidy, has launched a campaign to encourage dog owners to be responsible and reduce instances of dog fouling. Dog fouling is the offence of being in charge of a dog and failing to remove the faeces after it defecates in a public place, which includes leaving it in a tree or bush.Councillor Rosie Nicola, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, said: “I thank the majority of dog owners in…

Read more about the article University of Hull cooling technology helps council cut data centre CO2 emissions
Dr Zhu is part of the University's Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies

University of Hull cooling technology helps council cut data centre CO2 emissions

An innovative University of Hull cooling system has helped Hull City Council reduce electricity consumption at its data centre by as much as 80 per cent. Using a super-performance Dew Point Cooling system, developed at the University’s Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies, Hull City Council has saved over £50,000 in electricity cooling costs, and has reduced its carbon footprint by 82.5 tonnes a year. The technology was first tested at the University’s Aura Innovation Centre…