Logans Journey

Hello everyone, how are you all?  Hope you’re keeping safe with your families. What a difficult time  it's been for lots of people  with this Corona virus.  So in the last issue I told you about all the exciting things I had been up to and what I had planned. Well I have done lots and lots of things!  I’ve  designed my own CD cover for my song ( Different me ) that I planned…


Skye Richards Keeping Busy Through Lockdown

Skye Richards entered Autism dance day competition ran by Anna Kennedy and was choosen as one of the winners. Skye won a  bee kind T shirt.  As Skyes parents we are proud she has become an ambassador and been recognised as an advocate because she's passionate about dance and being  kind.  Born anxious  is a clothing label with a main message of be kind It's products are organic and label free It us promote the awareness if…