Stress less and be stress free

Are you stressed? Lets face it, I think all of us are suffering some form of stress or anxiety during these unprecedented times. Most of us carry on with work, being furloughed, school or home schooling but sometimes it all gets a little too much and we become overloaded. Normally we go through our daily life with  moderate amounts of stress. Historically, stress helped us stay alive – to escape threats, find food and simply…


Why taking care of your mental health could have physical benefits.

April is stress awareness month. It’s also IBS awareness month, and the 7th April is World Health Day. So it seems April a great time to think about our wellbeing! The events of 2020 and early 2021 have demonstrated just how much we need to look after our own health; maintaining good physical and mental health is vital if we want to be our best self for ourselves, our family and the wider world. Are…