Hull’s historic Rose Bowl Fountain given new lease of life

Work to give the Rose Bowl Fountain a new lease of life is complete. The fountain, built in 1935 when the dock basin was filled in, has been sympathetically restored as part of the wider Queens Gardens redevelopment. The fountain, which is a key feature at the entrance to Queens Gardens, was drained to allow for a comprehensive refurbishment which includes the replacement of the water treatment, pump and fountain system to secure its long-term…

Read more about the article Director of Royal Museums Greenwich visits Hull to see transformational maritime project
Visit to North End Shipyard

Director of Royal Museums Greenwich visits Hull to see transformational maritime project

A high-profile leader in the UK museum world has visited the city, following a request to find out more about the Hull Maritime project and the ambitious plans to bring the city’s maritime heritage to life. Paddy Rodgers, the Director of Royal Museums Greenwich (Incorporating the National Maritime Museum, Cutty Sark, Queen’s House and Royal Observatory), visited Hull on Friday 12 November to hear about the plans and progress to date on the Hull Maritime…

Read more about the article Hull’s maritime history at the heart of a major installation in Portsmouth
Ship of the Gods 1 © Heinrich & Palmer

Hull’s maritime history at the heart of a major installation in Portsmouth

Hull’s historic vessels Arctic Corsair, the Spurn Lightship and models found within Hull Maritime Museum have been selected to feature in major street and light festival in another well-known port city - Portsmouth. Originally commissioned for Urban Legends: Northern Lights event by Absolutely Cultured in 2018, Ship of the Gods, and created by contemporary artists Anna Heinrich and Leon Palmer using the cloud point survey data, saw Hull’s maritime history merge with stunning Norwegian landscapes to…