Celebrated Hull historian and photographer Dr Alec Gill MBE gifts his life’s work to city

Hull historian, author and photographer Dr Alec Gill MBE has gifted his extensive research – representing 50-years of documenting the city’s Hessle Road Fishing culture – to Hull History Centre. Almost one hundred large box files, containing tens of thousands of pages, have been deposited at the archive in Hull. The collection of work includes information on hundreds of trawlers that were based and set sail from Hull’s once thriving fishing community. Dr Gill said:…


Smart technology to support Hull’s transport improvements

Work to improve traffic flow across key city centre routes will begin next week. As part of the ongoing work to transform the A63 by Highways England, Hull City Council will begin work to improve traffic signals along Hessle Road and Anlaby Road over the next few weeks. It will include a technological overhaul of the current traffic signals with smart technology, to ensure more efficient and effective journey times for motorists and pedestrians. The…


Major improvement work to begin on two west Hull roads

Major improvement work is to be carried out on two arterial routes in the west of the city. Hessle Road and Anlaby Road will undergo extensive resurfacing works as part of a phased programme to improve the routes for motorists and cyclists. The phased roadworks will start on Monday 28 September. Hessle Road will complete on Monday 26 February 2021, work in Anlaby Road will finish on Saturday 6 March. Works in Hessle Road will…


Hull 1975 – The Cod Wars rage

If Skipper Richard Bird doesn't catch enough fish this time, he'll never sail another trawler out of St Andrew's Dock again. Even with the new deckie learner, Danny, he's four crew down already. There's a lot to deal with out in the North Sea. Gutting for sixteen hours straight, the freezing cold in your wellies, the waves as big as houses crashing over the bow and the narrow eyes of the rough Hessle Road lads.…