Read more about the article Reuse Electrical Shop successful in bid for further funding
Reuse Electrical Shop

Reuse Electrical Shop successful in bid for further funding

Hull City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council have been successful in securing a bid for further funding of £71,000, plus an additional £20,000 for a communications campaign, for the Reuse Electrical project which operates the Reuse Electrical Shop. The partnership project between Hull City Council, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, FCC Environment and Dove House Hospice, is aimed at boosting the reuse of good quality domestic appliances, which have been taken to household…

Read more about the article Fifty hospital staff support WISHH ‘By Your Side’ Appeal
Dr-Vishal Metha and Team of runners

Fifty hospital staff support WISHH ‘By Your Side’ Appeal

Hull Hospital’s doctors, nurses and other NHS staff are going to be part of history in the making, whilst supporting our new ‘By Your Side’ Appeal, as they take part in the World’s Largest Marathon, involving 100,000 people globally.  An incredible team of 50 staff working in departments such as neurosurgery, cardiology, ophthalmology, physiotherapy, security, administration, paediatrics, and theatres at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital, have dedicated months of training to for the…


Yorkshire Wolds proposed for Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Natural England is today announcing that the Yorkshire Wolds is to be considered for status as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Securing this designation would allow the area to benefit from greater protections, so that more of England's beautiful landscapes are safeguarded for future generations. The Yorkshire Wolds forms an arc of high, gently rolling hills extending from the Humber Estuary west of Hull, to the North Sea coast at Flamborough Head, north…

Read more about the article Absolutely Cultured gets £198,000 boost to support Hull communities and local creatives
Chatty Hull 2019, Absolutely Cultured. Courtesy of Artlink Hull. Photo credit: Anete Soda.

Absolutely Cultured gets £198,000 boost to support Hull communities and local creatives

Hull’s Absolutely Cultured has been awarded £198,000 from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. The funding will support the organisation’s plans over the next three years to increase cultural opportunities within Hull’s neighbourhoods as well as provide professional development and formal training for local creatives. Stephen Munn, CEO and Artistic Director of Absolutely Cultured said: “This is a fantastic endorsement of our plans and those of the city to ensure culture continues to have a meaningful role…


Announcing the ‘First World War Lives’ exhibition

From librarians to farmers, shop assistants to police officers; discover the stories of local individuals researched as part of the First World War Lives project in our brand new online exhibition. The First World War Lives project tells the previously untold stories of over 1,100 local service personnel, researched by our team of volunteers. This online exhibition highlights a selection of these stories, covering subjects such as prisoners of war, women, health and those who…