I Want To Be Myself

Hello everyone and how are we all? Did anyone do anything for Autism Awareness week? I took part in the #Iwantcampaign. It’s a campaign to tell everyone what we would like to see more of as in terms of inclusion within our society. My memo was #Iwanttobemyself. I chose this as it means a lot to me to be able to express myself.  I have struggled a lot this month.  It has been hard settling…


Aim Higher

Hello everyone it's me again Logan Richards. I hope you are all doing well. Hasn't it been exciting for us all with this snow? As I sit and type this I am observing a swift fall of snow.  I went sledging with my mum and sister at the weekend but unfortunately, I slipped and was really shocked and distressed because I was covered in mud. A lovely lady helped by reassuring me it was ok that…


Logans Journey

Hello everyone, how are you all?  Hope you’re keeping safe with your families. What a difficult time  it's been for lots of people  with this Corona virus.  So in the last issue I told you about all the exciting things I had been up to and what I had planned. Well I have done lots and lots of things!  I’ve  designed my own CD cover for my song ( Different me ) that I planned…